
Tag! Tagging! Tagged! ☺


This Award was passed on from Maxine and I was also tagged, so I have to share seven facts about myself… listed below:

1. I have 3 sisters and 2 younger brothers (6 children)
2. I am in my season of singleness, & kinda sorta learning a lot from it
3. Cooking is what I absolutely love to do when I have time
4. 3/4 days a week, I wake up at 7am to break a sweat doing a 4-mile run
5. I haven’t really held a real job in my business field since April 2007 :-/- mainly part-time jobs
6. I am in my final semester in my MBA program
7. I listen to John Legend all the time, over and over, and wish he would sing on my wedding day.

(Below are the bloggers that I am passing this award along to, and also tagging):




Always True... :-)


Excited rush to be within your reach, it has its own way of making me flush

Like water flowing in the stream, my heart flows loud with love extreme

You sustain me at my level of awareness, you are able to stabilize my conscious

You are cognizant of my limit, & yet you give me a chance to experiment

You showed me light, you showed me what’s right

In every desert of trials, you certainly have an oasis of comfort

That is why in everything, I give thanks!

Because there is a reason for every disappointment.

And you stay true all the time!


Get that dust out!


Many years gone past, all covered in dust after dust
Morning after morning thoughts of making change roll by almost immediately
I shake the dust only when I'm in a hole
Sipping into corrosion, I still let it fade
I knew it had to change

As trouble lurks in the dark, I cry out
As pain becomes intense, I scream
As snares come my way, I muster
Why at that moment?
I knew it had to change

Ouch! A slight cuff in the back of the head puts me on course!
It should have been a part of life
It should have been a commitment
It should have been a promise
I knew it had to change

No expiration date in knowing you
No expiration date in loving you
No expiration date in dwelling in your presence
I Can't comprehend letting you erode anymore
I knew it had to change

You make my days free of dust
You make my life free of corrosion
And hear I am letting you slowly fade
Not anymore! You are my way of life
You are my I AM!


The Genie in Mee


Ok, so i have some more to share from Dr Anthony's book. It is so good I can't resist sharing with you all :-)...Learning from past experience is important for developing total self-confidence. That is because we are able to recognize and resolve our mistakes the best way we can, and avoid repeating it.

Also, total self-confidence can be built by releasing our unlimited potential through the power of our mind. The author asserts that there is a power within that can bring forth anything we picture. He calls it the Universal Mind or Creative Intelligence. He often refers to the creative intelligence as the “I AM”. When you think of how easy it is to talk to God he makes things clearer for you, and you tap into unlimited potentials, etc, again he says this is a Universal Mind Ok, I guess if we see this a different way, it might make some sense and similarity to discernment of the spirit.

He is saying there are forces in the universe that attracts or that magnetize our wants. Therefore, this magnet in the universe would attract what we desire or want in our subconscious. This whole thing gets pretty technical.

Basically, the law of mental magnetism states that what you really want or desire will be yours, as long as you give dominant attention to it. Desire is the seed of fulfillment. Whatever desires you have, has the mechanism to become a reality. Why? Because desires become imprinted in your subconscious! If you have the desire to be creative, it implies that you definitely have the means to achieve fulfillment.

After being aware of our subconscious mind, we need not forget that it works for and against us, depending on what we feed it! Depending on what it senses and records based on our physical, intellectual, mental, and emotional experiences.

Let me not forget to share with you how to program the genie inside you. Our
subconscious responds to three things:

1- Verbalizing. We already know this. From my previous blog we know the power of our tongue or words. What we say to ourselves determines everything we do. We use words to program ourselves without realizing it. Words as little as “ I don’t have patience, I’m not perfect, I can’t lose weight, I don’t like my job, I have a poor memory, ” etc. we need to program our mind with positive affirmations. We need to repeat them over and over again until our subconscious accepts them as reality. There is no room for switching back and forth, because it will confuse the subconscious. Yes it would!

2- Feeling and Emotion: the subconscious responds to these two things more than anything else. Our emotion is the carrier of creativity. We don’t have room to slow down our creativity thereby slowing down our reality. So we need to keep our emotions in check. By speaking aloud or listening to music, and using repetition to impress an idea in our subconscious, will help impress the information quickly, esp from negative to positive emotions.

3- Visualization: this is key because being visual and imaginative empowers our
mind. Our subconscious responds to images and pictures. The Author points that we have the power to mentally create a new life for ourselves. We should practice putting down whatever we visualize or imagine on a scrapbook. Everyday look at it so that the picture holds in our mind, and let them sink in. Since it is true that what we visualize we will be because of how the subconscious works and the power within, then we all should endeavor to do this exercise. We should picture our future vividly in order to feed our subconscious properly.

The subconscious power and conscious (hearing, tasting, smelling, feeling, & seeing) act differently. A lot of times our conscious will try to downplay the subconscious power, but this is where faith comes in play. The author was not biblical, but most of what he said I could tie to the bible. Faith is key. If we believe what we have put down in the scrapbook as already ours, we need to be excited and believe it is. The conscious will constantly fight against the subconscious telling us we are thinking beyond reality. But our faith will overcome that. We ought to be strong and not accept that. We should trust our subconscious more than our conscious because our conscious is only limited to five senses.

With all of this, we need to act like we already have what we pictured, start giving thanks to GOD! By doing that, we acknowledge that what we want is on its way.





While reading Dr. Robert Anthony’s book on total self-confidence, I had to stop and reflect back on chapter six! It was on the POSITIVE power of love. I pulled out a lot of what i thought could and would be beneficial to share, and would hopefully empower you. Here goes it…

We ought to know that Love is not hate, violence, ambition, competition, or infatuation.

Infatuation focuses on outside traits, which eventually leads to disappointments.

Love is not sex. You can have sex without love, and love without sex. To all those that claim sex to be the only way to express your love! This is for you.

Love is the attracting, uniting, harmonizing force of the Universe. It is helping the other person grow emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Love is allowing the other person the complete freedom to be himself and accepting that person WITHOUT trying to CHANGE them.

Love means to LOVE! It doesn’t imply conditions.

It is absolutely foolish when we promise to love a person forever. We came to this world alone, and we will leave this world alone.

“Love is a moment-by-moment experience. Love will continue as long as each person fulfills a need and contributes to the relationship. Love must continue if a relationship is to be held together."

In order to preserve love, one partner must not attempt to change the other. This is one mistake a lot of us make. I am a living testimony! Trying to change my partner, even after he showed me who he truly was from day one! My effort to change the person eventually lead to a breakup, and that is what Dr. Anthony says in this book. Never attempt to change your partner, because it is destructive.

The more independent you feel, the more you will value your partner.

Bottom-line: love yourself in order for you to love someone. If you can love yourself, you will be able to show love.

By pointing out strengths in others, we are helping ourselves as well. Doing this would satisfy our own needs for loving, as well as generate even more positive response and increase our total self-confidence.

Love is the means by which we help others to be successful. It is a means by which we make others feel important, alive, & capable of self-improvement. By giving others recognition and assurance, & pointing out their positive traits, we can stimulate them to make the best possible use of their unlimited potential.

Loving thy neighbor is when we empower people to open their eyes to their own greatness; to their potential they never realized existed.

By doing all these, we are indirectly helping ourselves.



"These are a few of my favorite things!" :-)


Driving to work I prayed to God not to put a slow driver in front of me that would make me sin. I curse all the time when someone is doing 15 on a 45, especially during rush hour. Oh yea, so God decided to bless me by not answering my prayer ☺

It became clear to me that this happens to be one of my biggest pet peeve…I began to think about other peeves that I probably might have that really don't make sense, but yet gets me.

I began to think about a lot of things, and why does it even bug me! Oh well, I realize I have a lot of things that irritate me, below are only a few of them I wanted to share. Maybe you feel my pain

• Ok so procrastination crawls my skin. Why do you leave things at the last minute? Yes, a lot of us procrastinate, but some people are so extreme. I have a friend who kept procrastinating until he got stuck and could not find a new house, until a day after he was evicted from his apartment complex. “Last minute stunt”!

• African men that say “I can only date white women” bitch! Look at your skin! And remember your mama and sisters are black. Tshewwww! Lol

• When friends tend to be indecisive! That throws me off! Oh, most especially when the guys just don’t know what they want! Please make up your mind! Don’t get me stuck because dude cannot decide what to do. I like to be organized, and have my s*** together, planned!

• The biggest one, when I am done cooking, and someone wants to taste the food. Instead of getting a plate and spoon, they eat directly from the cooking pot, and attempt to put the spoon right back into the pot! I don’t know about you, but gosh! I have tried to see it as normal, but there is no way it can be normal.

• Not washing your dishes after eating, especially if the sink is clearly sparkling!!! Please endeavor to respect people’s environment.

• In college I some white friends…I had these friends not because they liked me, but at some point they had to pretend they did so that they could get close to the cute (I never thought they were cute) African or Nigerian guy that refers to me as “my sister”. Once they get him, they stop being my friend. ☹

• A guy that does not know how to express himself over the phone, but only when he gets on a chat or text, then you hear how much he wants to be with you, and how much he wants to make me happy. Emmmm, dude please call my phone and be a man. Tell me what’s up over the phone, no time for games dude!

• Hmmm, the skittles piñata ad! Please who feels me on this one? The advertisement that has the guy that his suit is made out of a piñata, gives me the itch! uhhh ! It gives me bumps!

• When you are done doing dishes, then someone swings by and drops a butter knife without thinking that maybe it can be rinsed? Yea! Maybe it can! Just try it!

So yea!!! These are a list of my favorite things! :-) No not really! Just thought I’d share ☺ More to come!


Trust Vs Love


The other day after a lovely barbecue with a couple of my good friends, we embarked on one of many heated arguments on the hot topic- Love vs. Trust; the argument was once again everyone against one! Ok, maybe against two. Most times in our arguments, we try to separate the issues of love and trust in marriage and dating. Is it possible that it is perceived different in both cases? The argument or the discussion was that trust surpasses love in a romantic relationship. Majority of the group leaned towards love being the bases of every relationship, while the other one or two argued passionately that trust is the bases of every, and all relationship in order for it to succeed. Now, this is what I feel is important. Yes, trust is a necessary ingredient in every relationship to work, but love is the binding force behind the relationship. The Bible says God is love! That is a strong statement! When we tear into bits and pieces of who God is, we see that trust falls in that category, but above all things ‘Love is the greatest of them all’. I personally believe that in a relationship if something goes wrong, the ability to forgive is not based on the trust I HAD for the person, but based on the love that was once there for him/her, and the love we have for God is the foundation. Trust will have to grow to that level that it once was before the ordeal, and what makes this possible is the love present for that person. I can trust a friend, but it does not mean that will make me want to date the friend! You might have comments as to why I cite the Bible all the time? Well, the Bible is the source of my knowledge! It is my way of life. All that I know is what the Bible tells me. In Colossians 3:14, it reads “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity”. Once again, this verse reiterates the necessity of love. Love sugarcoats it all. Love makes it perfect. Love is God, and God is love. Love binds together trust, joy, happiness, etc. Also, 1 Peter 4:8 says; “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins”. This is one of my favorite verses! This is a checkmate! A bullseye! A Head-on! Love covers over a multitude of sin. Love is very crucial for a relationship to hold together. God knew we humans would encounter such relationship ups and downs, that is why his teachings laid emphasis on the essence of love. This is just to reiterate my point of view on this issue. We concluded saying we can’t do without both! Love and trust has to be in unison for a healthy relationship, to cross many hurdles. But I still believe that Love should be ranked higher than trust for a successful relationship. I am not sure what or how you view it, but please feel free to educate me and disagree with me as well.

Your destiny in your control?


After many failed relationships, after many good relationships that you thought would and could never go wrong, the unthinkable breakup comes creeping back up in your blissful relationship. I thought deep once again; is there really a point to even date? Is there a point to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend? Most times I get fully engulfed thinking about all the “whys” and all the “ifs” I encountered in my relationships. Most times I end up putting blame in myself, and regretting why I didn’t succumb to the strain in my relationships just to make it work. Like many ladies, I always felt complete when I was in a relationship. I was among the fortunate once to say “yes, he spoilt me with gifts and more”. He took care of me very well, and that is probably the reason why I felt complete being with him. Then comes the “Me factor”; when I finally put the blame on myself after a relationship turns sour. Until I went through self-realization and figured making an excuse for a guy is beyond wrong! I am worth it! I am who I am! I am what really matters! If he don’t want this, he don’t know what he is missing! How dare he tell me we should break up? Who does he think he is? He isn’t all that anyway! After all being a relationship does not complete a person!!! All of this empowerment does work. Soon I was awake and nothing seemed bizarre anymore. Gradually, realization of the gap between God and I was made obvious. I forgot my identity as a child of God. I forgot I had a purpose. I sort of forgot what ever I did in my life should be reflection of Christ. It took me a broken heart, pool of tears, sleep less nights, hours in church, to realize what I needed to feel complete once again. All that was needed was to be codependent on Christ and him alone. Being codependent on Christ centers the relationship on Christ. It shows that God is what you and your spouse would eventually fall back on when turbulence occurs. Speaking positively to myself and about myself, about my personal growth with Christ, empowered me! Revealed my true and inner strength, taught me the truth about myself, and what I should be focused on henceforth. The tongue can be difficult to control, but if we can control it, things will begin to change in our life. Being able to control our tongue, and speak positively about our situations, we will realize how deadly and at the same time beneficial our tongue functions. A lot of times we say things out of anger, and forget that we are proclaiming it upon our own heads. There are two verses in the Bible to meditate on from the book of proverbs. Proverbs 18:21 which says "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof". Proverbs 12:18 says "There is he that speaketh like the piercing of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health." I have learnt throw these two chapters that regardless of my situation here on earth, with all the disappointments I stumble upon, my tongue determines my destiny. I have learnt to confess positively, and behold it shall be I say this to my single deserving friends that maybe in the past out of pain and disappointments have made comments like “marriage is not for me”, it is important to go on your knees and confess positively- watch how God will never disappoint you.