Its been a while I blogged! But today with a heavy heart, I write. I write because I pray it helps me get rid of the pain, sadness, and grieve I feel in my heart.
Yesterday I lost someone dear, close, and a sister. She struggled for a number of yrs! All I could do was watch her fight for survival! Fight for her son! Fight to be strong! And God was on her side all the time. Its weird, but she kept me going! God knows I couldn’t do anything; especially not from far away. While we were together, I encouraged her and continued to pray for her, and always found a way to help her financially through my folks.
She made me realize cancer was not the end of the world. And I made her realize having a son at an early age in 2000 was Gods design because he knew the devil was at work, and would want to take happiness away from her.
When the cancer hit, I thanked God for giving her a son, Bijoux-Meaning "Jewel". He really was a Jewel. He brought happiness to her life and everyone around her. I always said God knows what would happen next, and he does everything on his own terms not on ours.
Although we were far apart she made an effort to CALL ME once in a while! I really was supposed to be the one doing the calling, knowing her situation!
She showed me the meaning of strength! And now all I pray for is strength to survive this loss!
Only God knows why! And we will not question him. Only God gives and takes. Only him restores the broken heart. By our faith alone we are sure our broken heart would be restored.
Lord Jesus, give us all strength to comprehend. Give Bijoux understanding to be able to take it all in.
When the devil attacks, he attacks our faith. This experience has taught me to hold fast to my faith, because this is the time the devil dives in to mess with us, our faith and our belief system; so protecting our faith should be our goal. Thank you lord for the life of Kandie Grace Gwanzuwang, my sister, my friend! You alone will restore the ailing heart.
I pray God gives you and her family the strength to bear the loss. To her son, I hope he has all the support and love he needs at this time. My sincere condolences.
thanks Myne. I really appreciate the kind words and prayers. i pray the same! God bless u
Sorry about this loss. Just hold on to that faith cos really we have nothing else.
My! Life is so transient. I remember her well, we were buddies till we left Zaria. She was happy, would speak about you her brother and the family with gusto, always letting everyone know how blessed she was. May her soul rest in piece.
May her soul rest in peace in Jesus Name! we should definitely learn to appreciate and let people know how much we feel about them. When they go, they can't hear us!
aww been so MIA! I just saw this. I hope you have had some comfort my dear! Hugs!
Amina dis is d first tym am seeing this b4 i met you i had met u tru Kandie first . Thanks. She was a great person and she fought very very hard in a way only she ll knw. We saw her go tru so much pain, pain above our understandin and she is resting from it all now plus am sure she is smillin down @ us all.
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