WOW! Its been over a year since I blogged!
Any good reasons? None ☺
I give credits to Mr Procrastination and his partner -> laziness!
So I have decided to blog since I am on vacation, and have been sleeping all day!
A lot has happened in-between. New relationships started and ended
Past relationships got ignited and going strong now ☺
That would probably be one of the reasons for my sudden disappearance
…I confess
My plan was to blog about post NYSC. But exactly a day after my passing out
I got one of those calls I always dreaded. “Amina! Where are u?” I responded "at the airport, headed to Lagos." Then the caller said, “Something has happened, its not good. Its Hadiza”
I think a knife literally went deep through my chest.
I didn’t know how to breath, cry, or think.

I kept asking why Hadiza! Of all people.! Why have u called my friend home lord?
Who will I talk to you? Who will console me? Who will I cry to and tell my problems to? Who will understand my relationship like she did?
All this sounds selfish of me to want her all to myself
But God showed me he wanted her more.
Who am I to question God?
Its 5 months and 1 day tomorrow, I haven’t stopped thinking about you Uwa!
Our Ghana, and Dubai trip never happened! Now I am here in Dubai without you
When I visit UK, it will seem awkward!
Knowing you were suppose to be there.
I still haven’t found any replacement for you, I know i won't
I miss you, I cannot stop thinking about you.
My heart is always heavy.
This experience has taught me to not take little things to heart.
Don't hold grudges, live life to the fullest and responsibly
Thats my motto
May God give your family the strength to accept this loss
Gone but NEVER EVER to be forgotten
Adieu Hadiza Uwa Aboki.